Our Experience as a Firm
- Consultancy support in FORPO Restructuring: Administrative and organizational restructuring of the National Police Revolving Fund in FACON.
- Consultancy support in the definition of procurement processes in Universidad de Cundinamarca: Support to B&T in the advising process for the administrative, financial and organizational restructuring of the Directorate of Special Projects and Interinstitutional Relations of the University of Cundinamarca.
- Product Definition for PAC in Salud Total EPS: Management, development and execution of all actuarial and financial consulting of the PACs in EPS of Total Health.
- Definition of the new EPS and Prepaid Medical Services Unit of FCV: Management, development and execution of all actuarial, legal and financial consulting for the creation of the EPS and the Prepaid Medical Services Unit of the FCV of Bucaramanga.
- Consulting support in restructuring CAPROVINPO: Support for the administrative and organizational restructuring of the Police Housing Promotion Fund
- Consulting support in restructuring of HOMIC: Support for the administrative, financial and organizational restructuring of the Military Central Hospital.
- Search for a Strategic Investor in SOLSALUD EPS: Management, development and execution of the consultancy that sought to make the sale of the company to investors in the financial sector.
- Search for a Strategic Investor in HUMANA VIVIR EPS: Management, development and execution of the consultancy that executed the purchase-sale of the company to investors in the health sector.
- Search for a Strategic Investor in Hospital las Palmas: Direction, development and execution of the consultancy that carried out the valuation and investment in Las Palmas Hospital to investors in the health sector.
- Juriscoop: Assembly of the SAC and SARC: Support for the assembly of the Financial Customer Service System within the parameters established in Circular 15 of colombian Financial Superintendence.
- Banco Pichincha: Assembly of the SAC: Support for the assembly of the Financial Customer Service System within the parameters established in Circular 15 of colombian Financial Superintendence.
- Positiva Seguros: Assembly of the SAC: Support for the assembly of the Financial Customer Service System within the parameters established in Circular 15 of Colombia ́s Financial Superintendence.
- RTVC Organizational Restructuring: Support for the financial and administrative restructuring required for the adoption of digital radio and television, and for the creation of the new National Radio and Television Broadcasting Network.
- Ministerio de Educación Nacional Organizational Restructuring: Support for the administrative restructuring and redesign of the instutional macroprocesses, processes, procedures; and for the organizational structure redefinition of the Planning and Systems Department.
- Coopcentral: Assembly of the SAC: Support for the assembly of the Financial Customer Service System within the parameters established in Circular 15 of colombian Financial Superintendence.
- Ministerio de Comercio Exterior: Organizational Reestructuring: Support in advising for administrative and organizational restructuring of the entire Ministry, except for Secretaría General.
- Infrastructure Financing in Perú, Ecuador and Colombia: Advice for the attainment and/or restructuring resources worth USD 250 Mlls, for the development of infrastructure projects.
- Santiago de Calí: Debt Restructuring Process: Support in the restructuring of Santiago de Cali's debt for USD 250 Mlls, in order to free up resources for the municipality and for the development of infrastructure projects.
- Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público: Support for the administrative and organizational structuring of the Financial Regulation Unit.
Team Experience
The Estrategia & Consultoria team has professionals with unique qualifications, who have participated in complex and successful processes such as:
- ISAGEN debt restructuring (USD 250 Mlls) and reorganization of the Financiera Eléctrica Nacional-FEN (USD 250 Mlls).
- Debt Restructuring of Empresa de Energía de Boyacá. (USD 250 Mlls).
- Definition of different Nation’s disposal of assets and restructuring of public financial institutions such as ISAGEN, ISA, Ecopetrol, power utilities, banks and public fiduciaries, among others.
- Definition of infrastructure concession schemes. Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (project coordination for $ 1.2 billion).
- Valuation of generation assets in the power sector and definition of sales strategy (USD 450 million).
- Debt Restructuring of the city of Santiago de Cali with private banks for USD 250 Mlls.
- Advice on credit subscriptions with national and international entities for more than USD 500 Mlls.
- Modernization Process of the Secretaría Distrital de Hacienda (Bogotá).
- Organizational and / or financial restructuring in more than 30 public and private companies.
The team of Estrategia & Consultoría professionals has top-level studies, skills and experiences acquired at prestigious local and global organizations and academic institutions:
Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Publico en la Dirección General de Crédito Público y del Tesoro Nacional y de Regulación FINANCIERA, Banco de la República, Presidencia de la República, Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Plan de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Asobancaria, Banco Mundial, GMAC Financiera de Colombia, Superintendencia Financiera, FOGAFIN, Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Distrital, Secretaría de Hacienda Distrital, Dow Quemical, Kokorico, Telefónica Movistar, AT&T, Ipsos, GfK Retail & Technology, Hospital Militar, CAPROVIN, ICETEX, RTVC, Bavaria, ISAGEN, Cafesalud EPS, Solsalud EPS, SIIF Nación, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Inversora Pichincha, Positiva de Seguros, Coopcentral, Banco del Estado, Banco Sudameris, among others.
Universidad Externado de Colombia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Eafit, Universidad Carlos V, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de la Sabana, UNAM de México, University of Sydney, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, London School of Economics, University of Sydney, among others.
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