Our services

Organizational Structuring

Ranges from the definition of the strategic direction of the organizational structures to the development of innovative service models.

  • Design and Redesign of Organizational Structures: Carrying out organizational transformation processes through the change of structures, functions, roles and profiles.
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Financial Structuring

Ranges from the financial structuring of projects to the search and attainment of financing sources.

  • Strategic Decisions: Evaluation and strategic decision-making related to acquisitions, mergers, splits, recapitalizations and investor engagement, as well as support in the definition and participation in privatization processes.
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Legal Structuring

Our legal advice includes the definition and implementation of the legal foundations required to develop organizational transformation processes and financial management in a creative and secure way.

  • Strategic Decisions: Evaluation and analysis for the construction of legal instruments and processes that allow the definition and execution of the necessary steps for making strategic decisions related to purchase-sale, mergers, splits, recapitalizations, investor links, privatizations and project and/or business financing.
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Structuring of Service Models and Sistems

Our advice on designing and implementing models and service systems includes the definition and implementation of channels, processes, protocols, training programs and evaluation and monitoring mechanisms.

  • Policy Definition: Evaluation and analysis for the definition of legal instruments that allow to define and implement service models and systems in projects and / or organizations.
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Citizen's Involvement and Participation Strategies

  • Development of sensitization, awareness and training processes covering inclusive, anti-discrimination and internal and external relationship practices for employees, clients, citizens or other stakeholders. The objective is allowing different types of organizations to achieve high reputation levels, improve the work environment and at the same time respect the protected rights of minorities.
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Project Structuring or Project Managemet Offices (PMO)


Our Experience as a Firm

  • Consultancy support in FORPO Restructuring: Administrative and organizational restructuring of the National Police Revolving Fund in FACON.
  • Consultancy support in the definition of procurement processes in Universidad de Cundinamarca: Support to B&T in the advising process for the administrative, financial and organizational restructuring of the Directorate of Special Projects and Interinstitutional Relations of the University of Cundinamarca.
  • Product Definition for PAC in Salud Total EPS: Management, development and execution of all actuarial and financial consulting of the PACs in EPS of Total Health.
  • Definition of the new EPS and Prepaid Medical Services Unit of FCV: Management, development and execution of all actuarial, legal and financial consulting for the creation of the EPS and the Prepaid Medical Services Unit of the FCV of Bucaramanga.
  • Consulting support in restructuring CAPROVINPO: Support for the administrative and organizational restructuring of the Police Housing Promotion Fund
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Team Experience

The Estrategia & Consultoria team has professionals with unique qualifications, who have participated in complex and successful processes such as:

  • ISAGEN debt restructuring (USD 250 Mlls) and reorganization of the Financiera Eléctrica Nacional-FEN (USD 250 Mlls).
  • Debt Restructuring of Empresa de Energía de Boyacá. (USD 250 Mlls).
  • Definition of different Nation’s disposal of assets and restructuring of public financial institutions such as ISAGEN, ISA, Ecopetrol, power utilities, banks and public fiduciaries, among others.
  • Definition of infrastructure concession schemes. Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (project coordination for $ 1.2 billion).
  • Valuation of generation assets in the power sector and definition of sales strategy (USD 450 million).
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Business Structuring has experienced graduate professionals at top degree levels: Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in General Management of Public Credit of the National Treasure and Financial Regulation, Central Bank, Presidency of the country, Department of National Planning, U.N. Plan for Development, Colombian Stock Market, Asobancaria (Bank Association), World Bank, Colombian Financial GMAC, Financial Superintendence, FOGAFIN, Department of City Planning, Dow Quemical, Kokorico, Milatary Hospital, CAPROVIN, ICETEX, RTVC, Bavaria, ISAGEN, Cafesalud - EPS (Health Organization), Nation’s SIIF, National Ministry of Education, Pichincha Investing Co., Positiva Insurance Co., Coopcentral, Bank of the State, Sudameris Bank, among others. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Carlos V, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, UNAM de México, University of Sydney, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, London School of Economics, University of Sydney among other highly prestigious universities.

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